Moving Your Non-Running Bulldozer [ Repairs or Junking ]

By Robert Romboa •  Updated: 08/07/23 •  6 min read

Bulldozers are a huge part of the construction industry. They allow for heavy-duty work to be completed in a fraction of the time it would take by hand.

However, they can only be used when they’re running, which is why you need to know how to move one if it has broken down and is not working anymore.

In this blog post, we will discuss some options that will help you successfully move your non-running bulldozer so that you can get back to work as soon as possible!

How to Move a Non-Running Dozer

When you need to move a non-running bulldozer, you need to follow a few key steps. If you should have a small dozer, you can use a trailer to tow it.

When you need to move a non-running dozer, the first thing that you should do is remove any debris and other obstructions in front of or behind the bulldozer where it will be towed.

You want nothing to impede such as breaking parts from dragging on the ground while being pulled, brakes are activated, etc.

Next, get your straps set up for pulling out from both sides of the bulldozer so they’re long enough to wrap around the engine area and provide some tension when tightened down by bolts with handles securely fastened at one end (use ratchet-type wrench).

The next step would be connecting these two chains together using either hooks or “S” shaped clamps made just for the job.

If you can’t find this type of clamp, a cable tie will work.

Then make sure that the tow bar (the thing with “J” shaped hooks on one end) is securely fastened to your trailer and use it as shown in the diagrams so it’s properly connected to both chains before hooking up any power source or vehicles.

The next step would be attaching cables from an electric wheeled generator or other motorized device located close enough where they’ll reach over to the bulldozer while providing some tension when tightened down by bolts/screws secured tightly at either end.

This could require more than one vehicle depending on how far apart they are but again connections should provide enough tension for moving without dragging or jerks.

Finally, you can use a come-along to tighten the chains on both ends without having to rely on an electric power source for propulsion and as long as everything is in good working order it should be ready to go.

If not though then you’ll need some professional help with whatever’s broken before any of your hard work will pay off because nobody wants a bulldozer at their door that won’t move no matter what they do.

It also may be time for scrapping if something has happened internally like water damage from leakage during heavy rainstorms which oftentimes cannot stop up enough until too much pressure builds causing the engine parts inside to corrode badly, seizing up against each other so nothing moves.

How Much Does it Cost to Move a Dozer?

Should you need to look to hire a company to move your bulldozer, there are a great many different services that exist around the country to provide help in moving equipment.

Generally speaking, it costs $350-$400 per hour of travel time with an additional cost of $50-$100 per mile traveled and includes any expenses incurred in or on route to their destination.

It typically takes around two hours traveling at 50-60 mph from one location to another. These estimates are based on a fully loaded tractor-trailer which is about 53’x13′x80″ high (does not include height needed).

This measurement does not account for mountainous terrain that would require more space between trailers if they were connected together. There could be extra charges such as delivery fees, oversize charges, or wait times due to traffic along the route.

If you are planning to move your bulldozer yourself or with the assistance of a moving company, please make sure to get some solid advice based on the size and complexity of the move.

How Do You Transport a Bulldozer?

There are numerous ways to transport a bulldozer, depending on the model and condition.

Some bulldozers are equipped with a self-propelled transport trailer that can be towed by a pickup truck; other models require cranes, flatbed trucks, or lowboys to move them from one location to another.

If you have an older model without any of these options for transport, you will need to hire professionals who specialize in moving heavy equipment like this type of machinery.

These companies usually offer multiple services such as complete demolition of old buildings, hauling off junked cars, or just straight-up removal of unwanted items out your basement!

Whatever they provide is set at a reasonable price based on their experience with similar jobs which could include:

The thing about these heavy machines is that there are many ways to have them removed – but only one way to get them back!

So whatever you decide on when disposing of your non-running bulldozer be sure it’s what YOU want because once it’s gone you can’t get it back.

Final Call: How to Move a Non Running Bulldozer

If you’ve ever found yourself in a situation where your bulldozer is stuck and needs to be moved, then we have some tips for you.

It seems like there are as many methods of moving a non-running dozer as there are people who need to move it! Which method has been the most effective for you?

Let us know below if none of these techniques work or leave this question blank if all else fails!

Robert Romboa

Just amazed daily by the heavy machinery used to make our days easier and allow for fast and simple construction from your backyard to a city!

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