Buying a Used Dozer [ 6 Tips to Solid Purchases ]

By Robert Romboa •  Updated: 08/19/23 •  5 min read

Every year, thousands of used dozers are sold in the United States. Although these machines have a lot to offer, it is important that you know what to look for when buying one, so what to look for when buying a used dozer?

As you can see buying a used dozer can be tricky because they vary so much from one model and brand to another. This article will give you six things that you should consider before making your purchase decision!

Every year, thousands of used dozers are sold in the United States. Although these machines have a lot to offer, it is important that you know what to look for when buying one, so you can avoid certain problems.

Six things that you should consider before making your Dozer purchase

Check Plate Lines

When inspecting the blade, you need to check plates. If there are any plate lines, it could be a sign that the blade has been refaced in order to cover up excessive wear.

You should also inspect the blade for signs of welding which may be a sign that the dozer has undergone repairs. These simple things can help you to know what kind of shape the blade is in.

Excessive Wear and Tear

When looking to buy a used bulldozer, inspect the blade, cutting edge and spill guard for signs of damage. Make sure to inspect the blade push arms for wear.

Inspecting trunnion pins and caps can reveal excessive wear, which may lead to future maintenance or repairs.


Inspecting the bulldozer is important. You want to inspect all of the parts and components below the body of your dozer, including dirt deflectors, trunnions pins, everything down there that’s going to make it function well. Anything you see that looks out-of-place or is rusty, that’s going to be a problem.

Repairs to the bottom of a bulldozer can be expensive. These costs can account for upwards of around 20% of the purchase price of a bulldozer.

Uneven wear in the bottom of a bulldozer can be caused by operators steering more on one side than another or the machine running too many times on an extreme slope.

Hydraulic System

Factors that make a used dozer more valuable are rear attachments such as single or multi-shank rippers or auxiliary hydraulic attachment. Hydraulics make the dozer work.

A well-maintained hydraulic system saves on repairs and improves the productivity of a dozer, making it more valuable to you as an owner.

Examine Engine

Look for leaks, belt malfunctions, and dirty filters to determine if the dozer has a history of maintenance problems. These style issues can lead to an engine malfunction and high maintenance costs.

Checking the engine is important because you want to know if it has any leaks or dirty filters. Filters get clogged up and they’re not functioning correctly, so make sure to check those before buying

Tech Upgrades and Parts

It is important to look for one in good condition with productivity and safety features that will add value. For example, it should have an inclination monitor or GPS.

As the newer parts and tech upgrades get released, older models and brands are going to be phased out and you don’t want to make a purchase of tech that is being retired shortly.

Where to Find Used Dozers For Sale in the U.S.?

When trying to find a used dozer you can go to a dealer, an auction house or you could use the internet.

Some dealers will offer warranties for used dozers while others won’t; some brands might have more parts available than another brand so it’s important that before making your purchase decision, make sure you talk with somebody who has knowledge of what they’re selling and is knowledgeable about their products.

You can also find dozers for sale at auction sites but typically those are sold in bulk so make sure you know the size of machine that you want before heading over to an auction site because it’s not going to be as easy of a purchase process if they have 100 bulldozers on display and your looking for one specific type.

You can also use the internet to search for used dozers. One good way is to start your search on Ebay, Craigslist and or you could go onto websites like Construction Equipment Guide with listings of all different types of bulldozers

Frequently Asked Questions

What are plate lines?

Plate lines on a dozer blade are a sign that the blade has been refaced in order to cover up excessive wear. They look like thin lines on the blade.

How do you know if the blade is in good condition?

To know if the blade on a bulldozer is in good condition you need to inspect the blade, cutting edge and spill guard. Make sure that there is no damage on any of these parts.

Final Thoughts on What to Look for When Buying a Used Dozer

Buying a used dozer can be tricky because they vary so much from one model and brand to another. This article gave you six things that you should consider before making your purchase decision.

From checking the plate lines on the blade, to examining how well it has been cared for mechanically, these simple tricks can help ensure that you’re getting top quality at an affordable price.

There are plenty of places in which to find used Dozers online or offline as long as you know what to look for when buying a new dozer.

Robert Romboa

Just amazed daily by the heavy machinery used to make our days easier and allow for fast and simple construction from your backyard to a city!

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