Choosing the correct size of bulldozer is an important decision, and you should make sure to take your needs into account when choosing a model. If you know what size of equipment you need for your project, then it will be much easier to find the perfect model!
This decision can impact your budget, your storage space, and how much work you are able to complete on any given day. Choosing the right size bulldozer for your needs is an important decision that requires some research and consideration.
In this blog post, we will go over everything you need to know in order to pick out the perfect size of bulldozer for your construction site!

How Do You Size Bulldozers
There are many different types of bulldozers, and the size of a bulldozer is based on its application. One way to determine which size you need, ask yourself what it will be used for; so what are the sizes of bulldozers?
Bulldozers come in different shapes, sizes, and power ratings. There are three basic sizes of bulldozers, which are small, medium and large. These types vary in power from a few hundred horsepower to more than 1000 horsepower.
There is an overlap between different size categories so it’s not always easy to tell what the best fit is for your project without consulting with a specialist but there are some basic guidelines to follow.
If you are getting close to the maximum horsepower and capacity, it may be time for a larger machine.
If your project will involve moving piles of dirt with occasional rocks or tree stumps then small is probably good enough but if you have large pads of rock or roots that need removal, medium bulldozers might be a better choice.
- These compact machines are the right size for residential and light construction jobs. If you are traveling with small bulldozers, it is important to know that a smaller machine will be easier to transport and is more durable on different surfaces. Small dozers typically weigh 20,000 pounds or less. Mini or compact dozers are great for small spaces. This is because they are less wide and can fit in tight spaces.
- Medium bulldozers have an operating weight around 20,000 to 60,000 pounds. Middle-sized bulldozers are ideally suited to fluid worksites, as they can tackle a variety of jobs. If you need something that has a little more power than the smaller bulldozers, but less strength than a larger one would provide, then choose the medium dozer.Maybe you have a small site that isn’t necessarily challenging to navigate, but it limits how large your equipment can be.
- Larger bulldozes are needed for larger jobs or if you need more power. The size of you bulldozer should be appropriate for the weight and job you will be using it on. For example, a dozer with an operating weight between 60,000 to 150,000 pounds is best if your assignment is tough. When your location is a landfill, quarry or another demanding form of terrain, use a large bulldozer to keep material moving. You need a machine that can do lots of work. A big bulldozer can do a lot of hard work.
Additionally, a medium size bulldozer often may include different components like backhoe loaders which are common for digging trenches and moving dirt.
They do also have other attachments such as snow plow blades (if you are working in cold climates), augers, buckets on front end loaders for excavating piles of rock and roots without having to dig by hand etc…
Needs Based on Clearing Land
What will you be needing to use the bulldozer for? You need to know the type of land you are clearing and how much work needs to be done. If it’s a backyard, there will likely only need to be one blade if at all needed.
This is because most yards usually have grass or some other plant life that can easily get removed with just one bulldozer blade since they don’t typically grow too tall for this size machine.
If it’s a pasture however you’ll want something bigger like an excavator which has many blades for removing sod and smaller plants from around large areas where animals graze on pastures.
The main difference between these two machines are their weight in order to move them around your yard or field, as well as what ground features may come into play.
Making a Purchase For Clearing Trees
When you are looking to buy a dozer for specific purposes like clearing trees, how big of a dozer do I need to clear trees?
For most jobs of this size, you’ll want to buy the biggest dozer that’s allowed on your site. You don’t want a bulldozer that is underpowered for the job at hand, or else it will take longer and be more likely to need repair later.
Removing trees with a dozer requires a lot of power as it isn’t just tearing up the ground, but also has to push the tree and its roots out of the ground.
The size bulldozer you need depends on what your other equipment is, how many trees there are, and where they’re located.
Making a Purchase For Removing Stumps
Should you be looking to purchase a dozer for yard work like clearing up stumps, you may be wondering about can a bulldozer remove stumps?
The smaller ones may be a perfect fit for you. These dozers will typically feature higher clearance, and have a wider blade that can go over stumps with ease.
If this is your plan, then you’ll want to make sure it’s high enough so that when working on steep terrain or against slopes at an incline, the dozer does not get stuck in the ground.
What Size Tractor Do I Need to Push Over a Tree?
Choosing the right dozer is an important decision that will factor into the type and size of trees you’ll be able to plow over, as well as your skills in operating a bulldozer.
The first thing you need to decide is what dozer blade or bucket you want on your tractor: there are two types available:
- Rigid Blades
- Articulated Buckets
A rigid blade has its advantages for smaller sized tasks like pushing tree stumps out onto flat ground; they can also make it easier for beginners when making turns around objects such as buildings.
The downside is that rigid blades require more skill with heavy machinery because they have no flexibility when used against large objects and terrain features (e.g., felling trees).
An articulated bucket offers greater versatility because it allows operators to tilt the bucket to various angles.
Articulated buckets are also better for high angle work like demolition and loading debris into trucks as well as grading, compaction or filling lots where precision is critical because their movement can be controlled precisely.
But they have a downside too: articulated buckets require more skill with heavy machinery because operators need to learn how to control it in different positions while using leverage from both arms and legs (rather than just one arm).
I recommend starting out with an articulated bucket unless you’re experienced operating bulldozers; if that’s not the case then I would suggest getting a rigid blade so that your progress will stay achievable.
Should I Get a New or Used Dozer?
Choosing a new or used bulldozer is a personal decision and will depend on your budget.
If you want to buy new, it might be worth considering that by the time you pay for all of the startup costs (including operator training), purchase price, and maintenance over its lifespan – an average bulldozer can cost as much as $180,000.
A used dozer could work out better if you are looking to save money but need more than one machine; there are many models which have been in operation for decades so finding a quality second-hand model from someone who has had it running reliably should not be difficult.
It’s also worth noting that brand new machines often come with warranty cover whereas older ones may not offer any guarantees beyond what they were sold with.
The weight of the machine can substantially alter its performance, so ask your dealer about what size you need and whether it is petrol or diesel powered.
Finally, be aware that if you are looking to rent a bulldozer for just one job – getting an older model may work out cheaper per day than hiring new machinery as long as they are in good condition.
It’s worth researching first before committing though because there will always be some downtime when renting equipment instead of buying them outright.
Final Call: What Size Bulldozer Do I Need for A Job
Let me tell you what size dozer is right for your needs. You need to know the weight of the material, as well as how often it will be used. If you are dealing with heavy materials and plan on using it all day every day, then a larger bulldozer might be necessary.
A smaller one that can only handle lighter loads may work better if this isn’t going to be its primary job!
What size dozer are you looking for? Let me know below!